Temporary closure of Princess Street for sewer repairs

Works will start on 8th January for up to three weeks to repair a displaced sewer joint in Exchange Square.

This work has been arranged following liaison with Welsh Water and will require the contractors to dig down to reach the sewer. These works have been postponed from December to avoid impacting on the pre-Christmas trading period.

During the works, Princess Street will be closed alongside the Market building. However, when the Market is open (Tuesday Sunday) pedestrian access from St. Martins Way or the New Market Parking to Exchange Square and Northgate Street will be via the Market hall.

An alternative route via Trinity Street and Hamilton Place will also be available outside the Market opening hours. The lift and steps by Trinity Street will provide access to and from the car park as normal during the works, both routes will be signposted.

See plans below, we apologise for any inconvenience.