Chester Northgate update

Said Councillor Brian Clarke, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Infrastructure: “We are delighted with the level of public support we have seen at the pre-application consultation for the Chester Northgate development.

“Since October 2015, the design team has held numerous meetings with stakeholders, including Historic England, the Chester Design Advisory Panel, the Chester Civic Trust, the Archaeological Society, Cycling Groups, Corporate Disability Access Forum, King Street residents and a number of other local groups.

“Two exhibitions were held in the Forum shopping centre in December 2015 (attracting 500 interested residents) and March 2016 (600 visitors) to talk with the design team about the proposals. Our consultation website has also received more than 8,500 visits.

“The public responses received showed an overwhelming 81 per cent support for the proposals; with almost 60% of people stating that the proposals were either ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’. The extensive seven-month pre-application consultation has informed the scheme evolution in many different parts.”

Opposition spokesperson Stuart Parker added: “The design team is in the process of evaluating and incorporating feedback wherever possible, this includes adjustments to topography, the configuration of Market Square and the cinema, the setting of St. Martins Way and the amount of residential accommodation in the scheme. Information on these scheme improvements will be published shortly on the project website:

“The forthcoming application and accompanying environmental impact assessment is expected to be submitted at the end of May, and it is hoped that the planning committee will consider the application in September of this year.”